Aba Hatuv
2/2023 - 1/2024#About Aba Hatuv
Aba Hatuv (Fit Daddy) is a transformative weight loss program designed to support individuals on their journey to better health. Participants receive daily tailored content focusing on diet and healthy eating, supplemented by personalized coaching and progress tracking features. The program has yielded remarkable results, positively impacting the lives of its users, leading to significant improvements in health and well-being.
#Work flow
Our team for Aba Hatuv comprised frontend, backend, and mobile developers. The frontend segment demanded extensive effort, particularly under tight deadlines. Assigned the most demanding tasks, I managed to deliver ahead of schedule, despite the intense time pressure. Additionally, I provided support to the mobile development team, assisting them in overcoming their challenges. This collaborative workflow ensured successful delivery and highlighted our team's ability to adapt and excel in demanding situations.
The most significant challenge I tackled was developing the content creation system for Aba Hatuv. This system allowed admins to manage content using versatile content cards, incorporating various components and organizing them into customizable programs. Overcoming numerous technical hurdles such as drag-and-drop functionality, complex state management, and ensuring live updates presented a substantial challenge.
On the mobile app, I focused on developing user progress screens featuring visually appealing charts and content display screens built from flexible components, prioritizing fast user experience and content loading.
Additionally, I implemented the user-coach chat functionality, utilizing a plugin for seamless communication. My role involved developing the coach-side interface and internal chats for Aba Hatuv staff, leveraging my expertise in UI/U design to ensure intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.